Friday, July 25, 2014

Five Faves Friday - Grey, Cats & Dirty Dogs

Today I am linking up with AmandaErika, and Lauren for today's

Fifty Shades of Grey

Why don't we just go a head and start this Friday off with a bang! If you're like me (and probably a million other women around the country) you squealed a little bit when the premier of the trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey was introduced to us this week. I am so excited, and can hardly wait until February, that I am going to re-read the first book... then probably the entire series. And, for my luckiest of readers, if you didn't get a glimpse into the Red Room please take a peak at the trailer below. Then go take a cold shower. Things are about to get steamy... and it's not because of the summer heat.

Getting Back

and by that I mean, getting this booty back in the gym. We've had a new gym membership since early June and it took us all the way until this week to actually put the membership to use. Yay for commitment. Hey, these lake bodies aren't going to sculpt themselves. Better get moving.


Speaking of fitness, this week I have also discovered a sure-fire way to keep me pumped full of health. has so pretty amazing and healthy products. And guess what! They even offer a free sample trial. So I got my sample pack of daily vitamins (the daily nutrient pack) and green juice powder (the daily good) and started on the regime. Seriously, yall! I almost instantly felt like a new women. Tons of energy, amazing sleep, and I am able to completely wind down at the end of the day. No crazy burp backs of vitamins and I didn't feel bloated. I love that everything is portioned out and it's so easy. I drink the juice mix first thing in the am and then take the vitamins during lunch. 

This is the sample pack that I received. It included 3 daily packs of vitamins and 5 green juice mixes. I only paid for shipping and these little life savers were delivered directly to my door. 

I must say, I am probably going to order the flavored green juice mixes. The original is a little rough with plain water. I'll be mixing it with juice or a smoothie from now on - you should do the same. Just sayin.


One thing you must know is that I completely adore our cats (and dogs). What can I say I am an animal lover. We have rescued some pretty amazing pets and daily they never cease to make me laugh. So why not share a couple of random photos I captured of my babies this week. I swear they each have their own distinct personalities. This is sure to put a smile into your day.

If he fits, he sits. 
Raul helping me unload the water... or was he protecting it? Either way, it was a very serious job.

This would be my Baby Kiki enjoying some prime time television. Excuse my towels in the background I was obviously preoccupied. Don't worry about me Kiki, you stay right there and enjoy yourself while I fold the laundry.

Speaking of enjoying yourself. I guess Smokey and Nala have that covered. 
I just want to curl up with them when I see this. It makes it very hard to stay productive sometimes. But dang, those are some happy cats. 

Dirty Dogs

Tuesday marked National Hot Dog Day. So, like any good American we (giddily) obliged. Complete with chili pie on the side. We are high class up in here, lemme tell ya. 

Share with us in the comments, what are you loving this week? 

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